26 April 2011


Yes, I know I have left all of you hanging by not blogging for an entire 10 days.  There are quite a few reasons for my lack of blogging, including the fact that my computer was not working properly (fixed now), I have not been running due to my ankle (that would not be a cheerful post) and also...lack of inspiration I suppose.  But have no fear.  I am back to entertain you with my random stories. 

So when I last left off I was heading to the gym to do some cardio since I was going to be missing my 16 mile run.  I completed my own person triathlon that day which included 45 minutes on the spin bike, 15 minutes on the stair climber, 60 minutes on the elliptical then ending with 15 more minutes on the stair climber.  I felt like I got a pretty good workout in, I was similarly exhausted as if I had ran for 12 miles or so. 

I rested the next couple of days and decided to attempt my short run on Tuesday morning at the gym.  After about 1.5 miles I decided to call it quits and switched to the dreaded  delightful elliptical machine for about 30 minutes more.  I also did a leg workout that day just for fun. 

Do you believe in fate?  I do.  On my way home from the gym on Tuesday I needed to stop by the store really quick.  I didn't feel like going to my regular Safeway so stopped into a different one.  In front of me in line was one of the moms from Niko's preschool last year.  She asked me how my running was going and I told her that was a sore subject and explained about my ankle.  Well, I forgot that she is a chiropractor and she suggested I stop by her practice so she could take a look at it.  I mean, come on...what are the odds?  I took it as a sign that my ankle needed something more than just rest and went to see her the next morning.

Turns out that the bones in my feet were kind of all jumbled up and in the wrong places.  Which explains the bruising and lack of flexibility.  I have been to see her 3 times now and I am happy to report the swelling is completely gone and I ran today pain free.  She told me yesterday that she is really happy and impressed with the progress in just 6 days!  So I am stretching, flexing, icing and compressing to keep it from happening again, but in the meantime...I think (knock on wood) I am going to be able to resume my full training plan this week.

Ok, I will continue with some more updates soon.  I have to go play Hi Ho Cherry Oh with a cute little five year old boy right now.  He has been very patiently waiting for me!


  1. Wow that is awesome! So glad to hear you are back to your kick butt self :)

  2. I believe in things that are meant to be! :) Glad to read the above Tiffo, and well done on the 18 miler, I look forward to reading about that experiance too!
